CELLAMES Electrode Cell Chip

CIMS-Plate™ CFPS-Plate™


Cell Impedance Monitoring System

CIMS-16™ CIMS-32™


Cell LFP(Local Field Potential) Monitoring System

CFPS-32™ CFPS-32-NR™

About Cellames

주식회사 셀라메스는 세포 특성 평가를 위한 세포 칩과 분석 시스템을 개발하는 바이오와 전자공학 기반의 스타트업입니다.
셀라메스의 세포 특성 평가(Cell Based Array)는 동물대체시험 방법의 미래를 제시합니다.

Cellames Inc. is a bio and electronics-based startup that develops cell chips and analysis systems for cell characteristic evaluation.



CELLAMES Electrode Cell Chip

Cellames provides biocompatible electrode cell chip for measurement of cell impedance or LFP.

Cell Impedance and LFP Measurement System

Cellames provides impedance and LFP monitoring system to characterize the electrical properties of cells.

Cytotoxicity Test Service (예정)

Label-free and real-time monitoring of the cytotoxic effect.


기술 및 구매문의: contact@cellames.com

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